Philip McMaster - Seeking Cool Canadian Content
Satellite Radio is Coming to Canada in the fall of 2005 - and Cool.ca is seeking CANADIAN CONTENT for the new channels!

Are you a talented Canadian? Would you sound good on radio? Cool music, spoken word, documentary or something innovative and new?

Cool.ca is teaming up with Invisible Cities, Cool to be Canadian® and the new CRTC licenced broadcasters to create a production pool of Cool Canadian Artists for broadcast on DIGITAL RADIO across North America.

Invisible cities is full of Canadian Talent , and you probably know even more creative artists that would benefit from "Banding Together" to produce a pool of Canadian content for the ever-expanding channels of the digital universe!

Philip McMaster is a long time member of the Invisible Cities group, Adventurepreneur, Social Activist, and Assistant Researcher for the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) at Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC) Montreal.

If you are interested in participating in this pool of creative content as an artist, producer, director, recording technician, interview host, network technician, booking agent etc. drop Philip a line!

Contributors to this page: Philip .
Page last modified on Thursday 30 of June, 2005 15:08:28 EDT by Philip.


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