Wandering through Montreal's music scene, the narrator recounts spontaneous tales of the artists and musicians, drunks and junkies, and punks and yuppies made neighbours by gentrification. The 1998 ice storm and the looming Y2K are pondered between rounds at the local bar, while an apartment is the scene of an impromptu talent show one night and a church service the next.
Throughout, the book swings from casual debauchery to sudden life-death dramas, contrasting the cynicism of its twenty-something characters (and the 90s in general) with the harsh reality checks life always brings.
For more information, see http://www.louisrastelli.com or http://www.insomniacpress.com . The book is also available on
http://www.amazon.ca (and in all major bookstores by mid-November), as well as here:
A Fine Ending will also be the cover story of the Montreal Review of Books, available in the Friday, October 19 edition of the Globe and Mail. A review of the book and profile of the author will also appear in next Monday’s McGill Daily.
A Fine Ending, a novel by Louis Rastelli
Author: Christina - Published 2007-10-20 09:47 - (1917 Reads)
More details at: http://www.louisrastelli.com or http://www.insomniacpress.com
A Fine Ending
A FINE ENDING is a novel set at the end of the 20th century, the end of the narrator’s twenties, and the end of an era in Montreal’s Plateau-Mile End...
More details at: http://www.louisrastelli.com or http://www.insomniacpress.com