Advanced Laban with Liz Valdez
Starts Wednesday January 23. Runs Wednesdays from 7-10pm for 6 classes (18 hours) Cost is $225 plus taxes. prerequisite: Laban I

Laban Production with Liz Valdez
Starts Wednesday March 12. Runs Wednesdays from 7-10pm for 10 classes (42 hours) (this includes 2 tech rehearsals in production week and 3 performances open to the
general public) Cost is $450 plus taxes. Prerequisite: Advanced Laban. This is definitely a production you can put on your resume!

Teen Production Class for ages 13-17yrs
Starts Sunday February 10. Runs Sundays from 1-4pm for 10 classes (42 hours) (this includes 2 tech rehearsals in production week plus 3 performances open to the general public) Cost is $450 plus taxes. Prerequisite: Prior experience with ASM (Teen classes) Also a production you can put on your resume!

ASM Performing Arts