Cathedral Concerts in Montreal, Saturdays in November, 2012
Author: Christina - Published 2012-11-15 20:28 - (3209 Reads)Contemporary Cathedral Concerts
Every Saturday in November 2012 at 4.30 P.M.Christ Church Anglican Cathedral is located in the heart of downtown Montreal, Quebec, corner of rue University and rue Ste-Catherine. 635 Ste. Catherine Street West
The series in November concentrates on Contemporary Music, featuring the works of Stravinski, Feldman, and Cage. If you are a fan of Modern Music this is not to be missed. You can find all the information if you click the following links:
Tout au long du mois de novembre, nous offrirons une série de concerts à la Cathédrale. Vous aurez la chance d'y entendre la musique contemporaine d'Igor Stavinski, de Morton Feldman ainsi que de John Cage. Venez en grand nombre!